The world never stands still. That’s why your organization is constantly changing. Everything changes. And there seem to be
more rules. Many organizations are caught up in the reflex. You can see that in the leadership:
from trust to control. But the organization of the future is precisely a network in which flexibility is key,
creativity and autonomy. Do you, as a leader, have the skills to build a
network organization? Get inspired here!
Whitepaper: Leadership in the economy of value
Leading tomorrow’s challenges is about realising multiple value creation: economically viable, ecologically sound and socially just. In order to realise this multiple value creation, it is not just one organisation that has to make the move, but the network, the community. This eBook will give you insight into exactly what value-creating leadership entails and the steps needed to put it into practice. Moreover, it gives a practical interpretation of the concept of value-creating leadership based on our Rainbow Model.
Knowledge page Value Driven Leadership
There is a lot of knowledge to share about Value Driven Leadership. That’s why we’ve collected them all on one convenient knowledge page for you. What is Value Driven Leadership? The rainbow model, multiple value creation and the 4 steps to value creating leadership. You read it here!