Care innovation

value-based healthcare


value-based healthcare is working towards better quality and better health at lower costs for people with complex and/or multiple conditions (e.g. chronic care, frail elderly, people with multimorbidity) by a group of care providers working together in a coordinated way. The group of providers is jointly responsible for achieving the outcomes in terms of quality, health and cost. Characteristics of value-based healthcare are:

  • Human-centered approach;
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration;
  • Doing business together and bearing the risks; and
  • Realizing change and results.

Value-based healthcare or Triple Aim?

The care of the future is about creating multiple value, where economic, clinical and psychosocial values are in balance. Value-based healthcare (VBHC) and Triple Aim are often mentioned in the same breath as value-based healthcare. Both VBHC and Triple Aim describe what value is, but both with a completely different focus. Read more

Difference VBHC and Triple Aim


The perfect storm

The major challenges facing healthcare are well known: The population is aging, and by 2030, 7 million people in the Netherlands will have one or more chronic conditions; that’s 40 percent of the population. Almost a quarter of dutch people are better care

65 years of age or older. These developments are increasing the pressure on the health care system. Financial and human resource shortages are inevitable if action is not taken swiftly in several areas at once. Read more

The fragmentation

The general practitioner treats malady a, the physiotherapist malady b and the specialist malady c. Healthcare has not become any easier since market forces have resulted in more healthcare providers and more choice for the recipients.Blog 5 fragmented care

Concentration and specialisation have led to people with (multiple) chronic conditions having to travel to multiple locations. In the light of the ageing population, this is an ever-growing group.


The building blocks of primary care provide important insights into how value-based healthcare can be realized in practice. Read more

The Rainbow Model

value-based healthcare stands or falls with people; people who can work together in teams and outside their organisation in a context of innovation and trust. The Rainbow Model summarizes the various domains of value-based healthcare and the hard and soft preconditions in one model. The model shows that value-based healthcare requires integral cooperation at various levels. The Triple Aim, the three objectives of value-based healthcare, have also found their place in this model.

Rainbow model

Personalized care

Person-centered care revolves around the needs and abilities of the patient. It also takes into account a person’s context and differences in personal characteristics. Read more

Triple Aim outcomes

In order to bring about changes and improvements, there must be (more) data driven. This makes it possible to use and direct clinical and business processes in an efficient manner, and thus to organise the consultation process more efficiently.

Network Care

People with complex problems who receive care and support have to deal with various care and assistance providers, such as: the general practitioner, medical specialists, a physiotherapist, the district nurse, domestic help, the pharmacist, the WMO day care centre, informal carers, volunteers, etc. All these people have their own role in the care process and together form the care network. Read more

Outcome costing

The term ‘outcome funding’ – paying for quality rather than volume of care – is used frequently, but hardly anyone knows exactly what it means. Read more

Value-creating leadership

Value-creating leadership is not only about the economic interest, but also about the social and ecological values. Read more


Care networks: the means to value-based healthcare

Network care is seen as the solution to improve accessibility, quality, patient satisfaction and efficiency of care. Network care is therefore not an end in itself but a means of achieving value-based healthcare, also known as value-based healthcare or triple aim.

Care networks that work

In this e-book you will read what a care network is and we will map the barriers and solution direction for the practice. Based on the Rainbow Model and (inter)national best practices.

Ebook Care networks that work

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